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Fantastic Wellbeing Digital Course

A fantastic new course for organisations who want their employees to have fantastic wellbeing! 

Who is the Fantastic People Fantastic Wellbeing course for? 

  • Employees that want to:

    • feel confident and have more self belief and self esteem

    • figure out what change is needed, and then make a start

    • feel calmer and able to handle change with ease

    • have more energy

    • know how to make decisions, and be confident in those decisions

    • feel less hassled and more able to cope with day to day life

    • figure out what's important and then get focused on what's important

    • to understand how to be more resilient and resourcefulness to support themselves

  • Employees that feel a bit meh and can’t quite put there finger on why and would love to work with a coach (me) and received personalised support and outcomes


Understanding and Enhancing Wellbeing and Performance with Personalised Outcomes

8 hours of live group coaching hosted weekly on zoom (optional)

8 wellbeing modules including video lessons and personal assignments

Easily accessible and option for self paced learning for those with a busy schedule

No pre-course preparation 
Additional resources to support and enhance your learning

Focus on your own personalised outcomes across a broad range of wellbeing initiatives

Access to a dedicated forum  to ask questions, share your learnings or for anything else course related

Each participant will:

Learn about wellbeing, the definition, and the choices you have in relation to your own wellbeing

Learn how with better wellbeing you can positively impact more areas of your life including personal and professional goals, decision making and communication

The lessons and assignments will enable you to choose better wellbeing and therefore you will build greater connections, know what to do when you do not feel so great, procrastinate less, and manage and adapt to change with ease

-Investment -

Fantastic Wellbeing next course start date is Friday 1st March 2024 is fully booked. 

New groups start monthly and we would love to have you along.  Maximum group size is 5 participants so please join the waiting list to secure your place.


Investment £439.00 to include 8 modules and 8 group coaching sessions.

How has this course evolved?

Over the past 3 years I have created and run a 3 month coaching programme that included 6 self-guided exercises which formed a foundation for increasing the coachees self-awareness. My clients told me these exercises helped them make significant changes that impacted their wellbeing for the better. I want to scale the benefits of these exercises to as many people as possible because I am passionate about how a little additional knowledge, self-awareness and reflection can have a huge impact on a persons daily ability to feel good and function well. I have taken the best of the exercises, adapted them into lessons and assignments and wrapped them up with some additional tools to ensure longevity of learning and change.


My belief is change is always possible, even when change seems impossible.

I am so grateful you have created this course! The impact on how I feel has been huge - I really had no idea how I could help myself with such ease. Thank you!

I didn’t know how much I needed lesson 3 - I have made really simple changes in my life and feel happier than I have done in years.

This has been really eye opening (and confidence boosting).

I liked the clearly set out presentation, the video of yourself delivering the audio it made it more personal.

I have already suggested my friend does the values exercise as I found it so useful!

Eye opening in terms of how unbalanced it can be/ has been and how innate needs impact each other.

Reframing tasks has really been a key take away of this whole course. I feel like it's had quite a big/positive impact already! Just in terms of house stuff, and being tidier, and being motivated to make the lunch boxes the night before!

Made me think about how I can be negative in some areas when I think I’m usually positive. It’s highlighted that I’ve slipped into some bad habits.


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